Students will be involved in various classroom activities and presentations throughout the year designed to incorporate character education into their daily lives. Character education will be infused into the curriculum so it is fluid throughout the day as opposed to taught as a stand alone subject. Our overall theme is Be Kind and all of our initiatives can be related back to that theme.

Our Character Education work has been celebrated by as a 2015 NJ State and National School of Character and again 2020 as a NJ State and National School of Character. To see more about our character education journey view our 2020 National School of Character Highlights Video. For more information about Schools of Character, visit

Additionally, we have been recognized for Promising Practices from which focus on initiatives, programs or activities that can be replicated for other schools. Some of these programs are Project BLUE (now Play Unified), Kindness Ambassadors (Be Kind Wall), Art Soup, Cooperation Log and Tiger's Den (School Store).


Chart describing the six pillars of character and the colors associated with each pillar