Throughout the year, I go into each classroom and present on a variety of topics. On this webpage, I will update with information on the presentations so that you know what the students are being taught in the classroom.

  • Created Inclusive, Diversity and Kindness Lessons for the first month of school

    • Throughout the month of September, students were exposed to two books regarding kindness, inclusivity, understanding and acceptance. These books were: All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold and We're All Wonders by R.J. Palacio. These books focused on including everyone as well as the importance of celebrating our diverse community.

    • Created SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) lessons

      • Lessons focused on:

        • Perspective taking

        • Understanding, appreciating and accepting differences

        • Identifying feelings and their triggers

        • Identifying and utilizing coping strategies

        • Setting goals

        • Positive self-talk and self-esteem

        • Growth mindset

        • Friendship skills

  • Kelso's Choices

    • A conflict resolution program that identifies strategies to handle conflicts.

  • Toothpaste Lesson

    • During this lesson, I ask for volunteers. Volunteers are then asked to either squeeze toothpaste out of a tube or try to get the toothpaste back into the tube. We then make the connection of the toothpaste to our words and discuss that once we say something, we can't put the words back in our mouths, we can only take action like apologize if we hurt someone's feelings. As a result, it is important that we think before we speak and we are careful with our words.