Community Resources

Below are various resources and supports that may be helpful for your family.

COVID-19 NJ Information

NJ 2-1-1 - This link has resources to support a variety of needs as we face different COVID-19 scenarios, from medical, financial and small business.

NJ COVID-19 - This link is NJ's official COVID-19 website which provides links to resources, answers top questions and has the latest news for NJ.

Utilities Support

Internet Essentials - Website providing information on getting internet for free during this time.

Altice Free Internet - Website providing information on getting internet for free during this time.

Assurance Wireless - Depending on qualifications, you may be entitled to free basic phone service.

Safelink Wireless - Depending on qualifications, you may be entitled to free basic phone service.

NJ Helps - This is a resource providing information about food assistance, cash assistance and health insurance information.

NJ Family Care - Information is provided on affordable health coverage for NJ residents.

General Resources

NJ SNAP Additional Resources - This website provides resources for those who qualify for NJ SNAP.

2-1-1 NJ - This website allows you to search for various resources and supports by topic and guided search.

Replenish Food Pantry Directory - This list provides places that can provide food for those who may be food insecure.

Middlesex County Assistance Programs - A list of organizations that can provide support such as emergency financial support.