I am the Anti-Bullying Specialist for Schirra. Bullying has taken on a new meaning since New Jersey passed the anti-bullying law. It is important that we help children understand the difference between bullying and conflict.

  Bullying is:

  • Any gesture, written, verbal or physical act or electronic communication

  • Can be a single or series of incidents

  • Imbalance of power, one-sided

  • Based on actual or perceived characteristics

    • Ex: race, religion, gender, disability

  • Occurs on school property, at any school-sponsored event, school bus or off school grounds if it meets the following

    • Must cause substantial disruption or interference in school or of student rights

    • Physical or emotional harm to student or damage to student property

    • Student in fear of harm to self or property

    • Creates a hostile learning environment

  Conflict is:

  • Balance of power

  • Each person has an equal power in solving the conflict

  • Not intentionally trying to hurt each other

By understanding the situation, we can effectively and appropriately try to come to a resolution.

District and School HIB Self-Assessment Scores

Schools are required to complete a self-assessment regarding their HIB programs, responses and trainings. For more information visit the district site at their HIB Self-Assessment Score Page

Important Contact Information:

Mrs. Kristen Todd-Matos
School Counselor
Anti-Bullying Specialist

Dr. Kathleen Hoeker
Anti-Bullying Coordinator
Email Contact information: