COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE – LONG RANGE AND STRATEGIC PLANNING “Design the District’s Destiny” - Goals and Objectives - December 6, 2022 - 7:00 pm in the Old Bridge High School Main Cafeteria, 4209 Route 516, Matawan, NJ 07747. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss strategic planning issues related to the district. The public is invited to attend. Formal action will not be taken. Please use the link below to confirm your attendance to the Strategic Planning Session. This is not required for attendance but will be helpful to know that we have the capacity for the venue.
almost 2 years ago, Old Bridge Township Public Schools
A Parent Workshop - Raising Resilient Children: What to do When Things Go Wrong with Coordinator of the Middlesex County Traumatic Loss Coalition, George Scott will be held at the Ellen McDermott Grade 9 Center on Thursday, December 8, 2022, at 6:30pm. Registration is required. Click link below for details.
almost 2 years ago, Old Bridge Township Public Schools
As a reminder, OBTPS will close for the Thanksgiving holiday beginning with an early dismissal schedule today, Wednesday, November 23. Our schools reopen after the holiday on Monday, November 28. Happy Thanksgiving Old Bridge.
almost 2 years ago, Old Bridge Township Public Schools
Old Bridge Township Public Schools will be closed on Tuesday, November 8th for Election Day, Thursday, and Friday, November 10th and 11th due to the NJ Teacher’s Conference. On Monday, November 14th we will have our second in a series of Strategic Planning Meetings at 7 PM at Old Bridge High School cafeteria. If you are an Old Bridge resident or a staff member of this school district, we invite you to take part in this important process. If you intend on participating in this strategic planning event, please use the link below to register for the event so we can ensure we have enough seating for all participants.
almost 2 years ago, Old Bridge Township Public Schools
about 2 years ago, Old Bridge Township Public Schools
Old Bridge Township Public Schools welcomes all stakeholders to participate in the development of our five-year strategic plan. Your input at our community meetings is essential in shaping our school programs and services in the coming years. Our first meeting is Thursday, October 13, 2022, in the OBHS main building cafeteria. Please arrive by 7 PM sharp. We encourage all participants planning to attend our strategic planning meeting to visit the link below so that we can be sure to accommodate all of our guests.
about 2 years ago, Old Bridge Township Public Schools
District Strategic Planning dates. Please mark your calendar’s.
about 2 years ago, David Cittadino
OBTPS Strategic Planning Dates
Old Bridge Families: In January of 2022, the New Jersey State Legislature passed a law restricting law enforcement personnel from within 100 feet of a polling place. Because public schools are polling locations in Old Bridge and we rely upon uniformed law enforcement at every school to secure our facilities, this legislation severely interferes with our community-based plan to safeguard our schools keeping our students and staff safe. Please keep in mind that polling places require no identification or screening of those entering a facility to cast a ballot. These practices are counter-intuitive to those committed to keeping schools safe. Subsequently, the district administration has requested to have elections removed from schools, without success. Therefore, future school calendars will schedule election and primary days accordingly without classes in session. June 7, 2022 is a primary day in which 10 Old Bridge Schools are utilized polling places. Because this new legislation impedes our ability to secure schools in a manner you have become accustomed to and trust, OBTPS will utilize our second scheduled emergency closure day on June 7, 2022 with no classes in session. The last day of school will not be affected by this modification and will remain Tuesday, June 21, 2022 in accordance with the district approved calendar. Please use this information to make any childcare arrangements accordingly and I apologize for any inconvenience. As always, safe learning environments remain our primary goal. Be well, be kind, and believe in Old Bridge David Cittadino Superintendent of Schools
over 2 years ago, Old Bridge Township Public Schools
Old Bridge Township Public Schools is receiving federal funds through the American Rescue Plan-Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief fund (ARP-ESSER). Districts receiving ESSER III funding are required to solicit public comment and input on a Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan. The plan will be continuously updated based on input and feedback from staff, parents/guardians, and community members. Please complete the following survey by April 13, 2022. Thank you for participating.
over 2 years ago, Old Bridge Township Public Schools
Old Bridge Township Public Schools is receiving federal funds through the American Rescue Plan-Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief fund (ARP-ESSER). Districts receiving ESSER III funding are required to solicit public comment and input on a Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan. The plan will be continuously updated based on input and feedback from staff, parents/guardians, and community members. Please complete the following survey by February 23, 2022. Thank you for participating.
over 2 years ago, Old Bridge Township Public Schools
District information relating to the new CDC/DOH Guidelines will be coming out tonight.
almost 3 years ago, Old Bridge Township Public Schools
Old Bridge Township Public Schools is receiving federal funds through the American Rescue Plan-Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief fund (ARP-ESSER). Districts receiving ESSER III funding are required to solicit public comment and input on a Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan. The plan will be continuously updated based on input and feedback from staff, parents/guardians, and community members. Please complete the following survey by December 14, 2021. Thank you for participating.
almost 3 years ago, Old Bridge Township Public Schools
Old Bridge Township Public Schools will be receiving federal funds through the American Rescue Plan-Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief fund (ARP-ESSER). Districts receiving ESSER III funding are required to solicit public comment and input on a Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan. The plan will be continuously updated based on input and feedback from staff, parents/guardians, and community members. Please complete the following survey by October 12, 2021. Thank you for participating.
about 3 years ago, Old Bridge Township Public Schools
We’re thrilled to announce Old Bridge Township Public Schools’ new app! It’s everything Old Bridge Schools, in your pocket. With the new app, you can access sports scores, cafeteria menus, news updates, and even emergency notifications. Download the app on Android: or iPhone:
over 4 years ago, Old Bridge Township Public Schools